École nationale de cirque - Récréatif
Famille-Cirque \ 50 minutes \ 2 years old 
Cost 84.50$
Age 2 years
Available place FULL
Duration 5.83 hours
Weeks nb 6

Sorry, this activity is not available anymore

Famille-Cirque \ 50 minutes \ 2 years old
Activity confirmed
From Apr 28th to Jun 9th, 2024
Sunday 09:00 to 09:50, room Multi0
Activity # 002

This course is an opportunity for shared learning and exploration within the family, focused on connections and communication. With activities in pairs (adult/child) and in groups, we develop our physical literacy through circus games. We experiment with textures, colors, sounds, and movements, accompanied by a family member.

Schedule description
There will be a break from activities on the following dates :
May 26th 2024
